Text a preklad: Television Set

Television Set

You can see them running
through me baby
you can see the lights in their eyes
you can see the masses raising me
and I’m preaching them more lies
I’m just a mass - form communication
I sell what everyone buys
you know my appearance is changing
changing for modern times

I’m just a television set
I’m just a television set
I’m just a television set

Well you can have me in bed
if you want me
just plug me into your wall
and I’ll give you sex
if you want it
or I’ll give you nothing at all
you can have me, babe,
for good times
you can have me, babe, for bad
keep me running all of your life and
I’ll return your instant demand

I’m just television set
I’m just television set
I’m just television set

Did you see the running through
me baby
did you see the lights in their eyes
did you see the masses raising me
am I preaching them more lies?
I’m just a mass form communication
I sell what everyone buys
you know my appearance is changing
changing for modern times

I’m just television set
I’m just television set
I’m just television set


Vidíš, ako cezo mňa
vidíš záblesk v ich očiach
vidíš ako ma média vyzdvihujú
a ja len kážem klamstvá
som “tá” podoba komunikácie
predávam, čo všetci kúpia
vieš, že moja podoba je menlivá
menlivá, ako táto doba

Som predsa televízia
som predsa televízia
som predsa televízia

Môžeš ma mať v posteli,
ak ma chceš
len zastrč kábel do steny
a poskytnem ti erotiky,
ak chceš
alebo vôbec nič
môžeš ma mať na dobré či zlé
nechaj si ma na celý život
odplatím sa ti súčasnými záujmami

Som predsa televízia
som predsa televízia
som predsa televízia

Videl si, ako cezo mňa
videl si záblesk v ich očiach
videl si ako ma média vyzdvihli
kážem im veľa klamstiev?
som “tá” podoba komunikácie
predávam, čo všetci kúpia
vieš, že moja podoba je menlivá
menlivá ako táto doba

Dom predsa televízia
som predsa televízia
som predsa televízia


Vince Clarke


Dave Gahan

Down In The Boonbocks
I Like It