“Top Secret” koncert Depeche Mode (aktualizované)
Depeche Mode odohrali, 16.marca 2023, utajené vystúpenie "niekde v okolí Los Angeles". V rámci tzv. "Dress Rehearsal" koncertu kapela odohrala 8 skladieb. Informácie postupne aktualizujeme.
Miesto konania: SIR Los Angeles (Studio Instrument Rentals), Hollywood
Setlist: Ghost Again, I Feel You, A Pain That I´m Used To (remix), World In My Eyes, Stripped, Wrong, John The Revelator, Enjoy The Silence
Listen to @kleinallyshow tomorrow morning for your shot to win access to a TOP SECRET @depechemode show somewhere in LA! ????
— KROQ (@kroq) March 14, 2023
????: 106.7 FM
????: https://t.co/xJACHTLIrm
????: @audacy app pic.twitter.com/9W1aN8mIcy
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